Our very own CPL (APF) Brandon Lio was recently featured in the Straits Times for his impressive physical fitness and physique.
We spoke to him about he finds the time to hit the gym despite his busy schedule, and got some general tips on how to keep in good shape.

Hi Brandon! Tell us more about yourself.
Before I joined AETOS, I was a personal trainer at a fitness centre – one of the bigger franchises. I realised I wanted a job where I could earn a stable income, preferably one not dependent on sales or commissions, so I began to explore new opportunities. Joining a uniformed organisation also appealed to me because I felt the discipline involved would help me pursue my own fitness goals. I’m currently carrying out cash and valuables escort duties under Echo Division.
What made you get into bodybuilding/fitness?
I’ve actually been training since I was sixteen years old. Once I started approaching my mid-20s though, I began to think about how I was utilizing my time and money, and decided I would rather use them in ways that are actively beneficial for me – and fitness seemed like a healthy thing to get into. Before that, I spent quite a bit on clubbing! *laughs* Aside from being a hobby that I enjoy, it is also a great source of motivation, and I get a strong sense of achievement whenever I reach my fitness goals.
How do you maintain work/life balance given the nature of your work?
The key is time management. It is important to me to stay productive outside of work as well, although there definitely are days where I feel like just going home to sleep after my shift. Realistically, there will always be an opportunity cost involved, and I choose to focus on what is important to me. When there’s a will, there’s always a way.
I used to hit the gym for at least an hour after work, and set aside 30 to 40 minutes to prepare my meals for the next day. The next morning, I spend another half an hour cooking them. That leaves me with 5 - 6 hours of sleep on average, and I’m still able to make time for my girlfriend. Nowadays, I work out at home instead. My schedule can feel really packed, but I believe time is really precious and try my best to maximise how I use it as much as possible.
Any fitness tips for your fellow officers?
Try to make fitness a lifestyle. The more you embed it into your routines, the more you will automatically think about it, and this definitely helps with consistency. Even if you’re just getting started, working out a minimum of three times a week should produce tangible results - be it at the gym, through sports, or even at home. Above all, always remember why you started, and use it as a constant source of motivation.
If I can do it, you can too!