Committing Over Half a Century to Security

As we celebrate AETOS's 20th anniversary, we are thrilled to introduce a new series, Stewards of AETOS, which honours the unwavering dedication and service of our long-serving employees. These remarkable individuals embody the essence of stewardship—selfless commitment, outstanding leadership, and a steadfast drive to build a legacy that inspires future generations.

Join us as we delve into the inspiring stories of these exceptional stewards, where they share their invaluable experience and wisdom. 

Our inaugural feature highlights the journey of one of our founding employees, Mr. Chong Tian Sing, whose employee code is 001. With a remarkable 57-year career, from PSA Auxiliary Police Force to the inception of AETOS in 2004, Mr. Chong now serves as an Operations Officer in the Sea Domain Task Force Division, playing a vital role in ensuring port security in Singapore.


Hi Mr. Chong, can you tell us more about yourself and how long have you been serving with AETOS?

Hello everyone, I'm Chong Tian Sing and I'm 70 years old. My journey with AETOS began on 1 July 1966, when I joined the PSA Corporation Auxiliary Police Force (APF) as an Auxiliary Police Officer. I've witnessed the organisation’s evolution over the past 57 years, and I am glad to have been a part of our transformation.

Back in PSA days, our team functioned like a police division, handling all cases within the port— from investigations to arrests—without requiring state police intervention. On 1 April 2004, PSA APF merged with Singapore Technologies Kinetics (ST Kinetics) APF and Changi International Airport Services (CIAS) APF. That was when we became a service provider for PSA, managing the security operations at our ports till today.

Currently, I oversee the daily operations at PSA Keppel Distripark (KD), PSA Security Control Room (SCR), and the KD Pass Office. I also attend monthly Health Safety and Security (HSS) meetings with PSA’s management and tenants, as well as meetings with PSA’s Security Emergency Response Department (SERD), where we address pertinent topics including safety protocols and security concerns. While my role has evolved over the years, my dedication to ensuring safe and smooth operations within PSA’s premises remains constant.


How do you stay active and energised at 70 years old?

Staying healthy and active has always been a top priority for me because it allows me to live life to the fullest. For over 30 years, I've found joy in playing badminton with friends and colleagues every Saturday. It's not just about the exercise; it's also about the camaraderie and fun we share on the court.

My typical day at work starts quite early—I take the first train and am at work before 6:30 am. I have never been late nor taken medical leave. Fun fact: I climb more than six flights of stairs at PSA to get to my office every day! I like to think I'm fitter than some of the younger folks who end up huffing and puffing after just a few flights.

I believe that staying active isn’t just a routine; it's a lifestyle that gives me the vigour and strength to take on any challenges! 


Can you share any memorable anecdotes or experiences that you have had over the years in AETOS?

Absolutely! One particularly memorable experience involved a sergeant who had retired from PSA Police and was keen to be re-employed. He was initially re-employed as an AETOS security officer but after several discussions with the Commander, I managed to help him return as an auxiliary police officer. What truly touched my heart was when he invited me to his daughter’s wedding as a gesture of gratitude. It was such a heartfelt and happy occasion, and I felt really honoured to be invited.

There was another occasion where I had the opportunity to help an auxiliary police officer who was on the verge of resigning. He came to see me with his wife and young child, and was clearly at a crossroads in his career. We had a deep conversation about his options, and that was when I suggested a different role for him. He agreed to give it a try, so I arranged for his training. It is incredibly rewarding to know that he is now happy in his current role. It is moments like these, where I can see the real impact made in someone's life, that makes my journey with AETOS so meaningful.


What significant changes and transformation have you witnessed in the company since it started in 2004? 

Over the past two decades, I have witnessed the company undergo significant changes and advancements, particularly in the realm of technology. Back when we started, we didn’t have access to sophisticated tools and technologies, unlike today, where we utilise drones for surveillance and monitoring, and even providing drone training for organisations and individuals. We’ve also formed a dedicated K-9 unit, where we deploy highly-trained sniffer dogs to detect explosive substances at major events for our clients. Additionally, we have grown our workforce and established new units like Mobile Division, where we have outriders who keep our roads safe for members of the public.

Looking ahead, I believe that AETOS will continue to build on its well-earned reputation, maintaining its standing as an agile leader in the industry. The progress we have achieved so far fills me with confidence and excitement for what the future holds for AETOS.


What about AETOS has made you stay all these years?

It is the strong camaraderie and positive atmosphere within the company. From day one, I’ve felt a genuine sense of belonging here. My mentors and colleagues have been my pillars of support throughout my journey. They’ve always had my back, and that is something I deeply cherish.

It’s also very heartening to see how our officers are always looking out for one another, and being willing to step up to overcome challenges together. Being part of the AETOS family has brought me immense happiness, and I truly value all the bonds I’ve forged throughout the years.


What advice would you give to new employees to help them thrive in our dynamic organisation?

Stay positive and approach your tasks with diligence. Embrace accountability for your responsibilities, and let that drive your actions. Avoid getting caught up in over-analysis; focus on contributing to a harmonious work environment by being proactive and helpful. Remember, every effort you make to help your colleagues contributes to our collective success!

As we celebrate this milestone, what do you think AETOS needs to continue doing to make real impact for the next 20 years and beyond?

As we look towards the future, I believe it's essential for AETOS to continue investing in technology to enhance our capabilities. With the industry evolving so quickly, we need to be open to new ideas and innovation to stay ahead of the curve.


Any wishes for AETOS?

Happy 20th anniversary, AETOS! May we continue to grow from strength to strength and set new standards of excellence in the industry. Here's to Securing Our Future by achieving greater success in the next 20 years and beyond!

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