06 May 2020
Operations Manager Zaffar Ali Khan recently received the Model Worker award from the Union of Security Employees (USE). The award is conferred on outstanding workers who exemplify Worker 4.0, displaying the traits of being Resilient, Relevant and Ready for the changes brought about by digitalization and disruptive technologies. Crucially, they improve both their jobs and their own employability while contributing to their company and their industry as a whole.
We interviewed him to find out more.
Congratulations on the award! How do you feel?
Honestly, I was very surprised because I was totally unaware that my fellow union officials had nominated me for the award. I am definitely very happy – it’s always nice to receive recognition for your contributions and hard work.
Tell us more about your job scope. What do you do in a typical week in AETOS?
My fellow Operations Managers and I carry out a wide range of duties. We manage manpower deployment, supervise the Security Officers on the ground and fulfill various administrative roles, all while ensuring that the needs and expectations of our clients are being met. That’s really just the tip of the iceberg. Currently, I supervise ten deployment sites, such as Singapore Cruise Centre and Changi Ferry Terminal.
How about your role in USE?
At the AETOS level, our union members handle matters such as welfare and discipline. We often act as counsellors and advisers for our officers, lending them a listening ear or helping to settle grievances. At the union level, we discuss issues that affect the wider security industry, such as regulations and manpower trends, as well as how to improve it. For example, I was involved in the brainstorming and development of the Progressive Wage Model (PWM) for the industry. We also attend courses such as leadership and personal development, which are funded by the union.
What does it take to be a ‘Model Worker’? Any tips to share?
When it comes to work, I think that attitude is the game-changer. We should lead by example – especially as we are not just representing ourselves, but the company as well. By building rapport with clients and stakeholders, and being tactful and patient when dealing with issues, we come off as professional and committed to our work. Additionally, a spirit of continuous learning helps a lot. I made it a point to constantly take new courses to upgrade myself, and then pass this knowledge on to new generations of security professionals.
How are you facing the challenges posed by the COVID-19 situation?
As a leader, the wellbeing of my officers is my top priority, and this extends to ensuring their morale remains high during this difficult period. Their twelve-hour shift work is not easy even during normal times, so we need to consider their welfare and how best to support them.
I came from the rank and file, having joined CIAS as a Security Officer almost seventeen years ago, so I can empathize and understand how the men and women on the ground think and feel. One of the most important things is to ensure that my officers know they have the support of their leaders and the management. I make it a point to communicate with them regularly, and go down to the ground to listen to their concerns and feedback in person. Ensuring that their voices are heard
Above all, treat your officers as if they were your family. Whether times are good or bad, a family will get through them together.
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31 March 2020
As part of the national #BYOBclean initiative, AETOS volunteers have been helping to prepare and distribute hand sanitiser at Plaza Singapura and Funan. In the spirit of “gotong royong”, or cooperation across the community, 28 staff from across the organization were involved across three separate days, dispensing zero alcohol sanitiser to members of the public, who were instructed to “bring your own bottle” for collection.
Launched by Temasek Foundation, #BYOBclean aims to enhance the resilience of the Singapore community and help the general public to stay safe and healthy, while simultaneously supporting the nation’s green drive to reduce waste through reusing and recycling bottles. AETOS stands among 70 other corporations, unions, universities, and community organisations working towards this common goal.
“We are happy to be part of #SGUnited efforts to fight the spread of the virus within our community. Our security officers are battling on the frontlines every single day despite the risks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, and I am heartened to see them also taking part in this volunteering activity. This is how AETOS makes a difference. Together, I am confident that we can overcome these challenges and look out for one another in times of need,” said Mr Alfred Fox, Executive Director and CEO of AETOS Holdings.
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25 December 2019
This Christmas, AETOS partnered with Care Community Services Society (CCSS) and Community Chest to bring smiles and festive joy to schoolchildren from low-income and/or single parent families via their inaugural event – ‘Project Bake Smiles’.
Through this three-part fundraising and engagement event, AETOS volunteers grew closer with the children and collectively raised a total of $10,000 for the beneficiary - which will go towards defraying the cost of education for the children, including paying for their school uniforms, textbooks, and school fees.
Over the month of December, AETOS organised a few excursions for the children - the first of which was a fun-filled experience where they got a hands-on opportunity to bake their very own Christmas gingerbread cookies at OUE Downtown Gallery. This was soon followed by another excitement-packed event where the children and volunteers went on a ‘Super Race’ at SuperPark Singapore; a 40,000 sq. ft indoor playground that houses a wide range of games and activities suitable for all ages.
“Everyone should have a chance to enjoy themselves this festive season, regardless of their background. We hope that this small gesture from AETOS will go a long way in uplifting the lives of the children and bring genuine smiles to their faces this Christmas,” said Ms Elaine Ong, Assistant Vice President of Corporate Communications and Service Quality.
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