04 June 2021
AETOS and DBS today announced the launch of Singapore’s first Electric Vehicle (EV) for Cash and Valuables Escort (CVE) services. The two companies have committed to convert the rest of the seven CVE vehicles to EVs by end-2023, and eventually all 42 of the operational vehicles used by the bank by 2026. This in line with the Singapore government’s announced plans to phase out Internal Combustion Engine vehicles and boost the adoption of EVs by 2040.
CVE vehicles are used to transport corporate cash from DBS/POSB’s branches to a cash processing centre. On average, a single CVE vehicle travels more than 170 km daily. Using an EV instead of an internal combustion engine vehicle reduces carbon dioxide equivalent emissions (CO2e) by up to 47 kg per day – or some 17,100 kg of CO2e a year.
“AETOS is committed to achieving carbon-neutral operations as part of our drive towards sustainability with parent company Surbana Jurong. We strongly believe in working towards safeguarding the environment for future generations. We are glad to collaborate with DBS who supports our long-term goal for sustainability,” said Mr Alfred Fox, Executive Director & CEO of AETOS Holdings.
Commenting on the partnership, Mr Shee Tse Koon, DBS Singapore Country Head said, “As part of our commitment to sustainable development, we have been encouraging partners within our ecosystem to adopt carbon reduction practices, in addition to lowering our own footprint. We are heartened to be working with a partner like AETOS, who has taken concrete and comprehensive steps towards reducing carbon emissions and who shares our vision for a better, more sustainable future.”
In its drive towards EV adoption, AETOS will be installing charging infrastructure at their various operational bases, starting with the first alternative current (AC) charging station at their West Coast premises. Each station is able to fully charge an electric CVE vehicle in under eight hours.
Supporting a holistic effort towards long-term sustainability, other initiatives implemented by AETOS include tracking and monitoring of its operations’ carbon footprint, rolling out electronic waste collection stations, and developing operational working apparel made from sustainable materials for its frontline officers by 2022.
In addition to working with its partners to reduce carbon emissions, DBS is committed to reducing its own environmental footprint as part of its sustainable development agenda. The bank has set targets for its operational carbon footprint to ensure net zero operational carbon by 2022. DBS is also re-designing its 24/7 self-service branches to be more energy efficient, reducing its office paper consumption and growing its solar energy capture spaces. In April, the bank also launched the DBS Green Solutions package which provides a comprehensive range of offerings and privileges so consumers can easily integrate green practices in their daily lives – from within their homes, to their transportation modes, to their payments and purchases.
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02 February 2021
On 1 February 2020, Security Supervisor (SS) Tinakaren A/L Durai Singam was presented the SPF Commissioner of Police Commendation award and AETOS Letter of Commendation for the exceptional vigilance and initiative he displayed during the course of his duties.
SS Tinakaren, 28 years old and with eight years of experience in AETOS under his belt, leads a team of 16 officers during daily operations at FedEx Hub. While on duty in April last year, he noticed a contractor carrying multiple bags leaving the premises by the wrong exit. When SS Tinakaren tried to inform him of the mistake, the contractor turned aggressive. His suspicion was piqued further as the contractor’s pass indicated that he had no reason to be there at that time.
Feeling that something was wrong, SS Tinakaren proactively made the decision to take down the contractor’s particulars. Shortly after, it was brought to his attention that multiple reports about missing and lost items had been made later that day. He quickly put two and two together, and took the initiative to check through hours of CCTV footage. Indeed, he found video evidence of the contractor taking the missing items and quickly brought this incident to the client’s attention, which subsequently led to the contractor in question admitting to the theft of the items.
When asked if he had any advice for officers who found themselves in similar situations, SS Tinakaren said, “It is important to be on the alert for suspicious behaviour, but we also need to be tactful and treat the subject with respect. After all, it would not be right to accuse someone wrongly, especially if there is no evidence yet. Above all, we should be diligent and take on any challenges that come our way.”
“I feel really proud to have received this award, and a bit shy too (laughs). I’m really just trying to do my job as best as I can!”.
Said Mr. Alfred Fox, Executive Director and CEO of AETOS Holdings, “SS Tinakaren displayed admirable initiative and resourcefulness during the course of his duties, and went above and beyond the scope of his work. He stands as an example that I hope all our officers can emulate, so that we can continue to secure our clients’ premises effectively and with added value.”
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23 October 2020
AETOS has partnered with Man’s Best Friend (MBF), a Singapore sustainable apparel start-up, to launch a new and sustainable physical training (PT) kit for its trainees. This move will contribute to reducing its carbon footprint by up to 40%, as compared to a traditional cotton-based PT kit.
Using nanotechnology with sustainable materials such as bamboo and 100% recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles, a team of student entrepreneurs from Yale-NUS College worked with AETOS to co-create and design high-performance and eco-friendly PT kits that are sweat, stain and water-resistant. This new material will enable AETOS trainees to reach optimal performance, and to train more effectively and comfortably in local climate.
By donning sustainable performance apparel that require less washes, the wearer’s carbon footprint is significantly reduced. For each set of PT kit, one can save up to approximately 40 washes, 4000 liters of water, 3 square meters of savings in cotton crop area, and 11 PET bottles used. This is also equivalent to savings of 5 years’ worth of drinking water and 14kg worth of carbon dioxide emissions.
“We are extremely excited to work with AETOS, with our mutual commitment towards functional sustainability. We hope this can turn into a lasting partnership, where AETOS can empower its stakeholders to transition to more sustainable materials and also adopt a more sustainable lifestyle in the security workspace,” said Mr Johann Wah, CEO and Co-Founder of MBF.
Mr Alfred Fox, Executive Director and CEO of AETOS Holdings said, “We are pleased to partner this budding group of green entrepreneurs, who have developed sustainable products through the adoption of technology and innovative processes. Being future-ready is about sustainability and these are key thrusts in our transformation plan to become a responsible integrated service provider of the future. We firmly believe that this partnership with MBF, alongside our other sustainability efforts, will help advance industry-leading change towards a low-carbon future.”
In its roadmap for sustainable growth, AETOS aims to expand its series of sustainable clothing by 2022 - rolling out similar operational working tees for officers who are often exposed to harsh weather elements at the frontlines.
As part of a holistic effort towards long term sustainability, AETOS has also implemented other sustainability initiatives, which include tracking and monitoring of its operations’ carbon footprint at management level, launching recycling efforts including electronic waste collection, and creating an in-house vertical hydroponics edible garden. For a start, AETOS has committed to reducing its vehicle carbon footprint, as it progressively works with partners to incorporate electric vehicles as part of its fleet of patrol cars and bikes.
“Sustainability is a necessary mindset moving forward, and no one can do it alone. AETOS is committed to make positive changes in the way we do business, and support national efforts in shaping a better and more sustainable society for future generations,” added Mr. Fox.
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